In a word, to be an elder at Christ Presbyterian Church means to be a “Shepherd.” The elders at Christ Presbyterian are guys who truly love Christ and Christ’s people. They are teachers, leaders, and equippers of the church. If you’re looking for a church where the pastor does all the work, Christ Presbyterian is probably not the church for you. The elders are the first line which demonstrates Christ’s command for all of us to be ministers. They are peers with the pastor, making decisions together, leading together, pastoring together. Member families and individuals at Christ Presbyterian are assigned an elder/shepherd who keeps in regular contact. Our elders are a resource for you - to ask questions, to lend a listening ear, to offer advice when sought. It gives all of us at Christ Presbyterian a rich reservoir of people to call upon and depend on. The Ruling Elders of this church are chosen from qualified male members of the church, elected by the congregation, and ordained and installed by the Session.

 Pablo Herrera, Teaching Elder


Pablo has been a member of Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA) since 2007 and an elder since 2009. When he came to an understanding of the Reformed Faith, he searched for a church that shared those beliefs and found Christ Presbyterian on the internet. He and his wife Angela stayed because of the sense of community and emphasis on expository preaching. Pablo has been the Senior Pastor since 2023.

Pablo is from River Grove (a Chicago suburb). He and Angela were married in 2006, and have three children, Isabel, Stephen and Olivia. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from Trinity International University in 2007, and was licensed to preach in July of 2017 by the Chicago Metro Presbytery. He completed his Master’s degree through Reformed Theological Seminary in 2022. In his free time, Pablo enjoys spending time with his family, reading a good book and watching movies. He also loves food and cooking.

Gary Templin, Ruling Elder

gary1Gary originally discovered Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA) via the PCA online Church Directory. He first visited CPC in 2007 and joined as an active member in 2008. He says that he fell in love with the church’s commitment to the Gospel, Biblical Understanding and Truth.

Gary is a graduate of Washington (DC) Bible College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a Master's of Divinity. He has diverse ministry experiences, including Instructor in Communications and Doctrine at The Korean American Educational College in Chicago, Grief Share Program Leader, and currently Mentor with The C. S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Chicago.

His Elder Role responsibilities include: Oversight of Small Group Bible Study and Children’s Christian Education.

“True, effective and enduring discipleship making is all about relational investment around God’s Word in the spirit of accountability, which ultimately must begin with our own daily personal relationship with the Triune God.”

Gary is a lifetime resident of Arlington Heights, Illinois. He is the “ultimate” Cubs fan, having attended least one game a year at Wrigley Field since 1965. He is founder and operator of Windy City Hitman Entertainment since 1989.

Steve Park, Ruling Elder (Clerk of Session)

steve park 4Steve and his wife Amy moved to Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA) from a PCA church in Connecticut where they had been members for 25 years. They have three children who are also members and all are attending Wheaton College. Amy enjoys playing her violin with the music ministry and teaches Sunday School.





Jon Zayat, Ruling Elder

jon-zayatJon Zayat has been a believer for more than 20 years and passionate about reformed theology for the past 15.  He loves discussing theology, reading the Puritans, and thinking about philosophy.  He and his wife Rachel joined CPC in 2019, and he has enjoyed teaching Voyagers and adult Sunday school.  He looks forward to serving as an elder at CPC and encouraging others to walk with Christ.